Friday, 24 December 2010

Top 10 Free Portable Antivirus

portable antivirus

Today, I’m sharing with you a comprehensive list of free portable antivirus tools. You can carry it in your USB drive and run whenever and wherever you want to run.

Few major benefits of using portable version:-

  • Does not affect existing antivirus. 
  • Provide an extra layer of security.
  • Easy to distribute and use.

Here are the TOP 10 Portable Antivirus

1. AVZ


AVZ antivirus utility designed to detect and remove:

  • SpyWare and AdWare modules - this is the main purpose utility
  • Dialer (Trojan.Dialer)
  • Trojans
  • BackDoor modules
  • Network and email worms
  • TrojanSpy, TrojanDownloader, TrojanDropper

Download AVZ 4

2. Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool


The Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool application was designed to be another virus scanner and detection software from Kaspersky. The produst will scan the specified locations for any virus threats and remove them or send to Quarantine folder.

Download Kapersky Removal Tool 2010 (~72-80 MB)

3. Mx One

Mx One Antivirus

Mx One is an antivirus designed to protect the removable storage devices like USB sticks (also known as pendrives), iPod , mp3, mp4, memoirs M2, SD, microSD, and many more devices in an efficient and completely free.

Download Mx One 4


 4. ClamWin Portable Antivirus

clamwin portable

ClamWin is a Free Antivirus for Microsoft Windows. It provides a graphical user interface to the Clam AntiVirus engine. It features:

  • High detection rates for viruses and spyware
  • Regular virus database updates.
  • ClamAV team regularly updates virus databases to include a new virus/variant immediately after it appears Standalone Virus Scanner 

Download ClamWin Portable


5. Dr. WEB CureIt!

Dr.WEB Cure It

Dr.WEB CureIt! is an antivirus and anti-spyware scanning tool that is developed on the Dr.WEB engine which will help you quickly scan and cure, if necessary, a computer without installation of the Dr.WEB Anti-virus.

Dr.WEB Cure It! detects and removes :-

Mass-mailing worms , E-mail viruses, Peer-to-peer viruses, Internet worms, File viruses, Trojans, Stealth viruses, Polymorphic viruses, Bodiless viruses, Macro viruses, MS Office viruses, Script viruses, Spyware, Spybots, Password stealers, Keyloggers, Paid Dialers, Adware, Riskware, Hacktools, Backdoors, Joke programs, Malicious scripts, Other malwares.

   This utility can quickly clean an infected system, but it is not a permanent tool to cure your computer in case of infection.It does not include the Automatic Updating utility. It stays actual until the next release of the add-on.

Download Dr. WEB Cure It

6. Trend Micro’s HouseCall

HouseCall 7

HouseCall is Trend Micro's highly popular and capable on-demand scanner for identifying and removing viruses, Trojans, worms, unwanted browser plugins, and other malware.

HouseCall 7 features an intuitive interface and the ability to perform fast scans that target critical system areas and active malware. It also leverages the Trend Micro Smart Protection Network to help ensure that scans catch the latest threats.

Download HouseCall (1.8 MB) 32 bit | 64 bit


7. Free eScan Antivirus Toolkit (MWAV)

eScan Antivirus tool kit

eScan Antivirus Toolkit is a FREE utility that enables you to scan and clean Viruses, Spyware, Adware and any other Malware that may have infected your computer.

The eScan Antivirus Toolkit also gets updated on a daily basis with the latest updates to detect recently release spyware and adware, plus the engine is constantly being improvised for faster and intelligent detections.

eScan Antivirus Toolkit 12.x features:

  • Scans & cleans your computer completely and provides reports of any viruses that it finds.
  • Checks and cleans all illegal dialers that are present on your computer.
  • Checks and clears you of any background illegal sniffers or tools like spyware, adware, keyloggers etc. running in the memory of your computer.
  • You can add this utility to the startup list of programs on your computer so that it scans and clean your computer every time you start using it.
  • When you download this utility you will get it with the latest updated list of viruses that can scan and clean your computer for all known viruses.
  • The eScan Antivirus Toolkit works on Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 & Windows 2008 (32 & 64 bit OS) and also provides multi-language support.

Download eScan Antivirus Toolkit (MWAV) 104.27 MB

Note:- you need to fill up the form before download

8. Norman Malware Cleaner


Norman Malware Cleaner is a Norman program utility that may be used to detect and remove specific malicious software (malware).Note that it should not be used as a substitute for running normal proactive antivirus protection, but rather as a reactive tool to handle systems that are lready infected.


  • kill running processes that are infected
  • remove infections from disk (including ActiveX components and browser helper objects)
  • reveal and remove rootkits
  • restore correct registry values
  • remove references created by malware in hosts file
  • remove windows firewall rules for malicious programs

Download Norman Malware Cleaner (~98 MB)


9. Avira AntiVir Removal Tool

AntiVir Removal Tool

Avira AntiVir Removal Tool can be used to eliminate major distinct threats.

Download Avira AntiVir Removal Tool

10. Emsisoft Emergency Kit Scanner

emsisoft emergency kit

With the Emsisoft Emergency Kit Scanner you have got the powerful Emsisoft Scanner including graphical user interface. Search the infected PC for Viruses, Trojans, Spyware, Adware, Worms, Dialers, Keyloggers and other malign programs.

Run the Emsisoft Emergency Kit Scanner with a double click on a2emergencykit.exe. Found Malware can be moved to quarantine or finally deleted.

Emsisoft Commandline Scanner

This scanner contains the same functionality as the Emergency Kit Scanner but without a graphical user interface. The commandline tool is made for professional users and can be used perfectly for batch jobs.

Emsisoft Emergency Kit Download


Here are my top 10 and if you going to ask me which one if my top favorite then it’s AVZ

Which one is your top favorite portable antivirus tool? Share with us.


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